Online Book Club!

Online Book Club by A Muslim Home School
Despite our best efforts, sometimes a toddler tantrum or forever nagging a teen to tidy their room, eventually gets to us. We break. We snap. We scream. We lay down demands.

We can't understand why our 8 year old is creating such a fuss when we told him we need to get on our coats and get into the car!
We don't see what our 10 year olds problem is to share her books with her younger sister!
We don't see why telling the kids its bedtime causes such an eruption of frustration!
What is the matter with these kids!

How to talk so kids will listen sample pages
I'm sure the book you see pictured above isn't new to some of you, How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk.

I read it a while ago, and as I read I wished I had read it when my eldest was a baby!
I like this book because it helps direct us as parents from a secular point of view, giving example conversations around common situations we and our children find ourselves in.
It provides "effective step by step techniques to help you improve and enrich your relationship with your children."

It isn't written in a "this is how it is" kind of manner, rather, throughout the book, it asks you to interact with it, answer questions and ponder upon your own typical reactions as a parent.
How to talk so kids will listen sample pages
Its because of this interactive style, I found the book to be hugely insightful, not only in regards to the information it puts forth, but to my own thoughts and behaviours as well.

As you can see, it is a secular written book, so here is my disclaimer! ....
Obviously, not everything it contains will apply to us as Muslims. However, as a whole, I feel it offers a lot of practical solutions to many of our common every day complaints!

A Muslim Home School's online Book Club for mums

I wanted to re-read this book, with a bit more attention than the first time round, so I thought it would be fun to read along with some other mummy's, and together share some of the beneficial points to help support the application of some of the principles in our own real life situations.

So over on a Muslim Home School's Face Book page, I'm setting up an online Book Club, where we can do just that inshallah!

We will begin 5th December 2016, so you have plenty of time to get the book ordered and delievered inshallah.

Each Monday, I’ll post a chapter summary and in the comments, is where we can interact with one another to discuss the chapter, share our “aha moments” and perhaps offer suggestions when someone needs an extra idea or two!

There are some basic rules for this to work bi'ithnillah.

1) Try to read one chapter each week.
2) Use the appropriate chapter post relating to your comments, or request for help!
3) You are welcome to share your insights and benefits, discuss the chapter, or ask for advise relating to the content of that chapter.
4) If posting anything from an Islamic Perspective, please ensure references are given and any quotes are from the Scholars of the Qur’an and Sunnah following the understanding of the Salaf as Salih.
5) *Sisters* only.
6) Any inappropriate content will be removed.

So please head on over to Facebook and join the club!

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