My child is behind

Let's make this year our best yet inshaAllah - a Muslim Homeschool

As the summer holidays begin to draw to a close, many of us are getting ready for the start of a new school year.
Whether that means buying new school uniforms or new pyjamas homeschool books, we're looking ahead with anticipation of a fresh start in mind. 

We're standing on a new day, and have another year in front of us, if Allah permits us to live. 

Whatever has happened in the past, whatever we feel our children have missed or we have neglected to teach, let it go; we can't change what has been and gone. 

Instead of worrying about how we can get our child to go up three grade levels by July next year, ask what is the next incremental step forward from where he is now?

What is the next thing from where he is today, not where he should be in a year from now, or even ten!

A journey of 1000 miles always starts with a single step...not a giant leap so big we fall and break a leg.
Our children can only be where they are today, now, in this moment.

So ask, what is the next step forward in our childrens learning, to move them closer to where we want them to be inshaAllah, and leave the feelings of being behind...well, behind. 

Small consistent steps = big results. 

What to do when my child is behind?

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